Monochrome Portrait Workshop by Dale Zinkowski
In this 3-day workshop, students will use a limited palette of two, or three colors to achieve an under-painting that can stand on its own as a finished portrait or be used as a strong foundation to continue a full-color painting in the future. Through individual critiques and daily demonstrations, artists will learn to emphasize the beginning stages of a painting by addressing concepts of “blocking-in” and form modeling. Anatomy and structural points relating to the head will be discussed throughout the three days.
We will spend the first day on the foundation drawing (block-in), the next step will be a wipe-out (reductive method of wiping away the lights), the remainder of the time will be spent on the finishing pass, using a range of neutrals to push the underpainting toward a thoroughly elaborate work of art.
It is recommended that the student has had prior experience drawing the portrait.

Day one:
Materials lecture (explanation of palette)
Demo of charcoal drawing
Charcoal drawing directly onto canvas or panel. A finished drawing is the goal on the first day, so the second day can be devoted to the wipe-out and underpainting. Drawing will be spray-fixed for the next days use
Day two:
Neutrals explained further in depth (different combinations that can be used)
Demo of wipe-out techniques
Students will tone their canvases with raw umber, and proceed with a wipe-out, the goal being to finish before lunch, in order for the painting to "set-up", and proceed with the finished pass.
Day three:
Students will use their range of neutrals to push their underpainting to a more finished stage.