Angelo Baiocchi born in the medieval city of Pavia, in Italy, has studied arts - with main emphasis on life drawing with model and study of anatomy - in Milano, where he graduated at the Liceo Artistico Statale 1°.
He has always been passionate about arts and has been involved, through the years, in various artistic projects and exhibitions. In the beginning of the 90ies he moved to Vienna, working for many years as a freelancer on graphical and automotive decoration, mainly featuring the use of airbrush.
Since the beginning of the Computer Graphics era, he has followed the development of the industry and learned the use of the digital alternatives, including the always growing use of 3D graphics, as a complement and alternative to the non-digital art.
Since 2018 he finds himself involved again with the so loved classical techniques, traditional drawing and oil painting, thanks to VATA, where he regularly monitors the "life drawing" classes and has a forthcoming regular class on digital painting and illustration.
To know more of Angelo and his work, please go to: