Traditional Portrait Painting by Jura Bedic
March 29th – April 1st, 2024
Friday: 6 - 9 pm
Sa/Su/Monday: 9.30 am - 4.30 pm
Fee: reduced to 360€

The workshop is designed so that the students may understand more clearly the form of the human head and figure. Students will be shown how to focus on anatomic structure, light effect, creating the illusion of form and a sense of space, as well as the practice of mixing flesh tones using a traditional palette and methods. The course will put emphasis on a step by step process while painting from a live model. The model will wear a head gear (aka a turban or a metal helmet for design a story element. In addition to the individual critiques, painting and flesh tone mixing demonstrations will be held to help clarify the method. For beginner and advanced artists.